Monday, August 31, 2009

Retailers,do more

We Refer to the letter"A burden thebank should bear".To prevent credit card fraud,consumers should take measures to protect their cards but banks and retailers must do more.It is unfair for the consumers to bear the losses incurred if retailers are negligent.Retailers should be held accountable if they accept credit card payments without checking race or gender from the name stated in the credit card.Currently,retailers seem to be let off without having to account for their lax ocedures.By holding retailers accountable,they will put in place appropriate checks to safeguard their interests.More importantly,the practice of using photo ID for credit card payments should be introduced.This is a necessary inconvenience to safeguard their interests.There are other cashless apyment methods, such as Nets and debit cards, if customers do not wish to produce yheir photo ID for credit card rtansacations. Finaily, banks can do more step up security features such as printing the photograph of the cardholder on the card iyself or introducing a PIN (personal idefication number) for transacation to be or addition to using a signature, which can be easily forged. This is not new and has been introduced in some contries. Case is prepared to work with the Singapore Retailers Association and the Association of Banks in fruad, and we have written those association

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why can i drink something really hot, but if i spilled on myself, it ould burn?

Your mouth has a air conditioning! As you sip a hot liquid, air comes into your mouth along with it and cools the drink. Your saliva mixes in and cools it further. But hot stuff is just plain hot!

Who the song " Happy Birthday to you"?

The Hill girls, Mildren and Patty, wrote " Good Morning to you" in 1893. the song was not a big hit until someone changed the words at a Birthday party. No one knows exactly who amde the change. There aen't many words, but for birthdays, four is all you need: Happy Birthday to you!


Sronehenge is a mystrey-on a grand scale. An enormous ancient monument, Stonehenge was built in southern England over 3,000 years ago. The monument consits of many large stones, some weighing 100,000 pounds, arranged in circular parttens. It may have been used to observed the movements of the sun and moon- and then to create calendres. No pne really knows.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are there any real castle in the world?

think of your house as your castle. The kings, queens, and nobles of the Middle Ages did. Their castles were also symbols of their power, and fortresses against rivasls who might try to make thir war on them. These grand homes were built etween the ninth and fifth centries all over Europe. Many have been preserved-and you can visit them. They're mostly hotels or musem now.

How do clouds form?

Millions of water droplets togehter form clouds.They start rises from lakes,oceans,rivers,and plants,Water vapor cools as it rises into the air and,as the temperature drops,it changes to liquid.These masses of tiny water droplets form clouds,When the clouds get too heavy,they fall to Earth as rain.They flow into lakes and rives...and the whole process begins all over again.

what is ESP ?

ESP stands for Extra Sennsory Perception is the way we see the world through our five senses-sight,hearing,smell,taste,and touch.But"extra"goes beyond into the realm of seeging the unseen.That could include looking throung walls,hearing the voices of dead people,or getting a strong feeling about someing that is going to happen in the future.

Why is it considered unlucky to open an umbrella indoors?

Umbrellas were first used by African royalty to sheild themselves from the hot rays of the sun god. To open one in the shade insulted the god. To open one indoors must have been worse, probaby punisable by god. Today, we think of it as just plain unlucky.

Why can't we see in the dark?

The human eye use light to see. Light bounces off your surroundings and into your through your pupil, the black hole at the centre. A picture forms on your retina, the lining at the back of the eye. Your brain makes sense out of what you see. Without light, there is nothing to enter your retina and start the whole process going.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Who invented pizza?

Pizza was first cooked up in the kictens of Napels, Italy, about 500 years ago. No one person created it. It was just something a lot of people ate around Naples. The duke of Naple make pizza by popular adding a variety of toppings. Without chese and tomato sauce toppings, pizza is just plain crusty dough.

What is Octopus ink?

It's a smoke screen. When threatend, an octopus discharges a thick blacklish or brownish inky fluid which is storedin its body. The ejectrd ink doesn't dissolve quickly. It floats in the water in a cloud shaped somewhat like an octopus. The idea is to confuse its enemies and cover its escape-and it works.

How big is the biggest diamond in the world?

Diaomnds, like other gems, are measured in carats. (Not carrots, those are for rabbits.) A carat weights 0.2 grams. The largest fine quality, coloress diamond ever found was called "The Cullian." It was mined in south Africa and weight 3,106 carats. It was cut into 106 jewels and produced the finest, largest gemstone ever, weighing 530.2 carats.

What is a jet staem?

Jet staems are earth's fastest large- scale winds. A large-scale wind is a high current of air that bowls over vast distancses. About 30,000 to 35,000 feet above earth surface, lagre masses of cold air move in from the poles to clash with warmmer air masses from the tropics. This creates the mighty rivers of wind known as Jet Steams.

Why are feet so ticklish?

Nerve endings are what makes us feel ticklish. And the more nerve endings there are in a particular spot, the more ticklish it is. Our feet have the most nerve endings-so they're most yicklish of all!

Why do people snore?

If someone catches you snoring, blame your uvula (OOV-you-la). It's a small piece of flesh at the back of the throat that hangs down from the roof of the mouth. Sometimes air from the lungs causes the uvula to vibrate- and that's the snoring sound. It happends most often when you breadth through your mouth.

What is the Louch Ness Monster?

Now you see it, now you don't! In 1933, a couple claimed they saw a dinosaur-like monster in Louch Ness, a lake in Scotland. Three thousand sightings of" Nessie" have occurred science, but none of them has proven the craetre's existence for sure!

How tall is the world' s tallest living tree?

A giant redwood in the Humboldt National Forest in California is the tallest on earth. How tall was it? You could look out the the top-floor window of a buildig 30 stoery high-and still not see the top. At last measurement, in October 1991, it was still 365 feet tall.

what makes a skunk smell?

That ghastly spary is the skunk's best defense and, boy does it works! No creatre, no human or beasts can being stand near a skunk with that odor. It comes from a fluid called musk which is produce and stored in a pair of glands under the animals tail. A skunk can propel the spray about 10 feet!

When were comic books invented?

Comic books are single square newspaper cartoons that have grown up. From cartoons came comic strips, which are three or four squares long. The first comic book as we know it was Famous Funnies, which appeared in 1934. The first comic book was Super Hero, Superman, landedon newsstands in 1939.

What is the diffrence between a sea and an occean?

Saes are smaller than occeans. A sea can be part of one of the four occeans(Atlantic, Pacfic, Indian, and Arctic). The Carribbean sea of north America, for instance, is in the Atllantic. Other seas, such as the Caspian Sea in Asia, are surrounded by land.

How many people live in the world?

In 1994, the population of the world was over five and a half billion. In the yaer 2020, scientist estimate close to 8 billion. In the same yaer, China's population will probaby gro to almost one and a half billion, about one fifth of all the people in the world!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who invented indoor plumbing?

Someone we should all thank. On the Mediterranean island of Create, a systemwas installed 4,000 yaers ago. Indoor plumbing requires pipes that bring water into the houseand drainage pipes that take waste oyt. The flush tolietwas invented by Sir Jhon Harrington in 1589, but didn't raech its prsent form until the 1800s.

What makes the leaning tower of pisa lean?

The leaning tower of pisa northen Italy is a church bell tower. Its constrution began in 1173, but soon was halted when the builders realized the 10-foot foundation wasn't deep enough to keep the tower from tilting in the soft soil. the 180 foottower weighting 1,600 tons, was finaily completed 200 yaers later,. to keep it from topping over, the people from Pisa have repeatedly gone in and reinforce the foundation. But they haven't dared to try straighten the tower!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tody is sunday, 16-8-09, my family and i are going to Ang Mo Kio Hub arcade. I go arcade to play games. The games that i like to play is " House Of Dead 4, " which is quite a scary game. The second game that i like is " Shan Guo Yan Yi ," which is a legend chinese war game. The third game that i like is " Gundam Seed, " it is a robot game, you hold a big machine gun aim and shoot the other Gundam robots. The fourth game that i like to play is " Time Crisis 3 and 4" you hold a hand gun and aim and shoot. The fourth game that i like to play is " a Racing Car Game." You just have to seat on the special chair and you use a Sterring Wheel to control the car.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Sunday, we went to 1 DEGREE 15 also which is a club somewhere in sentosa. My mother's friend threat us go there. First we have to meet them outside 1 DEGREE 15, becuse my mother's friend husband is a member of 1 DEGREE 15, if we didn't wait for them , we have to pay money to enter. When we went in, the place is beautiful and amazing. I asked my mother wether we had brought our swim suits, and my mother said yes, and i asked her wether we could go for a swim, my mother said yes. I jumped for joy. But first, we have to change into our swim suits. i jumped into the pool and started swimming. when swim, i didn't know that i sim till 1.85m. I continued swimming. i swim till the end of the pool. when my parents said that we had to go, i said for another 5 minutes.They said OK. After 5 minutes, i changed into my home clothes and we went home.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yesterday, iwent to Ang Mo Kio Hub to play arcade. I played shoothing games like time crisis 3 and gundumseed. My mother Top-up 10 dollars for us to play. I played until theres no money left, then we went home.
Today was a tiring day. We had to run 4 rounds at the feild.Mr Muz say that this is the best traing ever. After we run, i feel like throwing up. When i went into the class, i had a headace, and i throw up.